Friday, January 25, 2008

Rahab's wisdom

God appears to those who search for Him. Isaiah 55:6 quotes, "Seek HASHEM when He can be found, call on Him when He is near". Thee are those who believe that HASHEM is no further away then the ear is from the mouth. In Exodus 4:11 Then HASHEM said to him, "Who makes a mouth for man, or who makes one dumb or deaf, or slighted or blind? Is it not I HASHEM? So now, go! I shall be with your mouth and teach you what you should say."

Rehab spoke to the two Jewish spies Caleb and Phinehas, Joshua 2: 11 We heard and our hearts melted - no spirit remained in any man because of you - for HASHEM, your God, He is God in the heavens above and on the earth below. 

Here is a woman that was not a Jew from birth nor lived among them yet she recognized the hand of HASHEM. She feared the God of Israel and saw visions for how could she know the heavenly places. Ezekiel the prophet was a descendent of Rahab and saw even greater visions. 

Blessed be the Name of HASHEM who bestows His mercy upon those who seek Him. If we could only get past ourselves, our motivations and once and for all grasp the beauty that God cares to give.

Rabbi Lawrence

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