Thursday, February 7, 2008

Yetzer hara (evil inclination) Yetzer hatov (Good inclination)

Shalom students.

Blessed be he who comes in the Name of the Lord. The difference between the good inclination and the evil inclination, is a matter of thought, these thoughts are often followed by  the individuals actions. If left alone one may drift endlessly seeking answers down the corridor of life. Behind each door lurks temptation, curiosity, truth and lies, life and death, but beware, the choice is yours to make. Deuteronomy 30:15 - See - I have placed before you today the life and the good, and the death and the evil, that which I commanded you today, to love HASHEM, your God, to walk in His ways, to observe His commandments, His decrees, and His ordinances; then you will live and multiply, and HASHEM, your God, will bless you in the Land to which you come, to posses it. We must choose life, the very one promised to us in Torah. For out of our mouths come both good and evil, how could this be. Our tongue the smallest of organs within our body is placed in such a area (between the heart and the mind) that it is capable to cause the most damage. You and I have a choice, we can learn to master it, for out of the heart comes many things. Just a brief explanation concerning Mark 7:18 and forward. Here Yeshua sets the Temple leaders straight by enforcing the understanding that eating with unclean hands (n'tilat-yadayim ritual cleaning of the hands) does not defile the man but rather the thoughts of his heart. Lets listen.  He replied to them, "So are you still without understanding? Don't you see that nothing going into a person from outside can make him unclean? For it doesn't go into his heart but into his stomach, and it passes out into the latrine." "It is what comes out of a person," he went on, "that makes him unclean. For from within, out of a person's heart, comes forth wicked thoughts, sexual immorality, theft, murder, adultery, greed, malice, deceit, indecency, envy, slander, arrogance, foolishness... All these wicked things come from within, and they make a person unclean." 

Throughout the Tanakh we can see as well as read how Israel because of their evil thoughts followed by action caused their downfall. Often we are warned by HASHEM not to allow those who are before us to become a snare. These warnings did not end in Canaan or in Philistine but stand today as a sign. Often I have heard the following, "Well these are modern times, things are different now." God is the same Yesterday, today and forever. Yes it is true, it has never been easy, but the reward is great. HASHEM knows that what He gives us we can overcome. He puts before us at times Hasatan (The Tempter) to try us for our own good. You must realize by now that when we desire to draw close to our Maker, there will be testing. Now the outcome will be yours and there's no one to blame. When one comes to the understanding and acknowledges that HaSatan is a tool of God and can do no harm (unless you give in) one can win the victory. Revelation 3: 20 - Here, I'm standing at the door, knocking. If someone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come in to him and eat with him, and he will eat with me. I will let him who wins the victory sit with me on my throne, just as I myself also won the victory and sat down with my Father on His throne. Not everything we face in life is a test, nor is it the adversary. Adam ate of the tree in which he was forbidden and because of it he was thrown out of the garden. Often this sin becomes mankind's reasoning for his or her own doing. The tree was placed in the center of the garden, could it not have been God's plan for Adam to have eaten of it? To know good and evil and experience life and death is to live! I have to agree that it was God's plan for Adam to eat of its fruit and I'll tell you why. Had Adam not done such a thing what could he have become? When faced with choices it is at that moment we stand at the cross road and ask ourselves, for which way do I turn? It is through these deed (what many call sin) that we have choices and the gift of an opportunity to draw ourselves closer to the Maker of Heaven and Earth. The serpent who was found guilty for enticing  Adam and Eve was also a creation of God. 

Anger was the very first action that was acted upon. Such an action that caused the death of a son and a brother. A mans life that was cut down in the prime of creation. Cut down in such a way that he was left without offspring and Cain who took his life was cast out into an unfamiliar place. Have you heard the saying, 'Count your words?' Believe me its sound advice. If you have read some of my earlier writings you would have noticed that I often use two very distinct verses. One of them being Genesis chapter 4 and the other Revelation 3: 20. To me they are the sum of choice; the decision between life and death, good and evil. There's a mentality that is deep rooted within the body of those who read the bible, but not all. I call it the grace, grace, grace mentality. Meaning this. Grace is by far not a new concept. Grace along with salvation is as old as the foundation of heaven and earth. Please don't misunderstand me. No one that I ever met, or heard of, believes that one is saved by works. Yeshua said that we are known by the fruit we bare. Yeshua is not an excuse for us think that we can't do all things perfectly so why even try. We must do. We must try. There is no atonement for willful sin. Let the righteous man stay his course and let the wicked one repent and turn  to God  with a pure heart.

Remember this. We have choices, we have battles and we have a decision to make in the end. Yeshua told many of the men and women that he healed, to sin no more or worse things will happen. Yes its true that we can't change the past nor undo our wrongs, so the mountain before us must be ascended upon with wisdom and careful thinking. We owe it to God to make the right choices, because after all, it's His redemption that allows us to another day.



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