Friday, February 15, 2008

Parashas Tetzaveh (Priestly Service)

Shalom Kohanim.

You shall love the Lord Thy God;
With all your Heart,
With all your Soul,
And with all your Might.
These Words which I command you today;
Shall be in your heart.
You shall teach them to your Children
Speaking of them;
When you sit in your house,
When you walk by the way,
When you lie down and when you rise up.
You shall bind them as a sign upon your hand
And they shall be as frontlets between your eyes.
You shall write them on the doorpost of your house
And upon your gates.

Amen Amen.

Last week we read in Parashas Terumah the giving of contributions in order to build HASHEM'S Tabernacle. God ordered Moses to take up an offering from the Children of Israel according to where their hearts lead them. As always we should give because its the right thing to do, not that we should live in a society in which is only willing to receive , but one who has a desire to give. By taking up an offering for contributions, everyone has the ability to contribute to the success of accomplishment. There were many among the community of Israel who had the ability to give but not the ability to serve in the overall construction. Blessed be the Name of God who considers all. 

Now moving forward. We have the blue prints for the Tabernacle, it's soon to be under way but how about those who God will have serve not only the Children of Israel but HASHEM as well. The physical has been accounted for, now the service of ones heart and spirit. Exodus 27: 20 - Now you shall command the Children of Israel that they shall take for you pure olive oil, pressed for illumination, to kindle a lamp continually. In the Tent of Meeting, outside the Partition that is near the Testimonial-tablets, Aaron and his sons shall arrange it from evening until morning, before HASHEM, an eternal decree for their generations, from the Children of Israel.

There is light that will burn continually and it shall glow upon the Testimonial-Tablets. We too are commanded to be a light and a purity, not only when we care too but all the time says the Lord. Abraham was commanded just that, "Abraham you shall walk before Me and be perfect in all your ways." 

While living in the secular world it can be very difficult to enter into the that sacred place, the Holy of Holies. To get a minute image of God's glory and holiness this Parashah must be understood because of its detail and instruction. The following are to be worn by the Priest; 28: 4 - These are the vestments that they shall make: a Breastplate, an Ephod, a Robe, a Tunic of a box-like knit, a Turban, and a Sash, verse 42 - breeches. The breeches were worn to cover ones nakedness, therefore one should always be spiritually clean as well. How is it today that many attend services of some kind and dress as though its just another day. There is a difference between the Holy and secular, the six days and the Sabbath. While many claim that God knows their heart, that over used statement is not an excuse. God knows our circumstances and gives us way when we have no choice on what we have to robe ourselves with. The problem is when we do have the ability and we don't make good with it. Must we have a Temple or the tabernacle here in the book of Exodus in order to do what is right. To go a step further, one must be well dressed in his mind. Do not attend service with hatred and anger in your heart, gossip should shall not be in your presence nor a slandering tongue. 

I dream of the day when I learn to master the path the realm. To truly separate the secular from the Holy not just on Sabbath but on any day. Imagine the life of Aaron, the first High Priest. What one man hungers for another man thirsts. What one man disregards another looks upon it as treasure. 2nd Kings 2: 8 - Elijah took his mantle and folded it over, and struck the water, which split apart this way and that, and they both crossed over on dry land. As they were crossing, Elijah said to Elisha, "Request what I should do for you before I am taken away from you." Elisha said, "You have a difficult request. If you see me taken from you, it shall be so for you; but if you do not , then it will not happen. As they were walking and conversing, behold! - a chariot of fire and horses of fire [appeared] and separated between the two of them, and Elijah ascended to Heaven in a whirlwind. Elisha was watching and shouting, "Father! Father! Israel's chariot's and horsemen!" And then he saw him no more. He took hold of his garments and rent them into two pieces. He picked up Elijah's mantle, which had fallem from him, and struck the water, and said, "Where is HASHEM, the God of Elijah?" He too struck the water and it split apart this way and that, and Elisha crossed over.

Baruch HASHEM! Baruch HASHEM! 

Shabbat Shalom everyone.  

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