Peace to you and welcome back.
Today I would like to talk about the in-between places, a land unfamiliar to us. Like our Hebrew counterparts reading from the book of Exodus, we see that to head somewhere, we must first leave somewhere. During the process we encounter uncertainties, discomforts and longing for the familiar, because it is there that we know, what was will be. It is the in-between place that will make you or break you. It is a place of mountains and valleys, oceans and streams. As people we get so caught up in the ways of the world and yet we think we are free. We may be in denial.
Where is there a man, family or nation that has never faced a battle. Wealth, power nor wisdom can shield no one all the days of their life. Jeremiah 9:22 - Thus said HASHEM: Let not the wise man glorify himself with his wisdom, and let not the strong man glorify himself with his strength, let not the rich man glorify himself with his wealth. For only with this may one glorify himself - contemplating and knowing me, for I am HASHEM, Who does kindness, justice and righteousness in the land, for in these is My desire - the word of HASHEM.
HASHEM is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow so why be confident one moment and the next waiver as with the wind. Perhaps you can sense my own struggles through my choice of words like the artist who illustrates on canvas that which he sees. Exodus 3: 13 - 14 - Moses said to God, "Behold, When I come to the Children of Israel and say to them, 'The God of your forefathers has sent me to you,' and they say to me, 'What is His Name?' - what shall I say to them?" HASHEM answered Moses, "I Shall Be As I Shall Be." And He said, "So shall you say to the Children of Israel, "I shall Be has sent me to you.' " God said further to Moses, "So shall you say to the Children of Israel, 'HASHEM, the God of your forefathers , the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob, has dispatched Me to you. This is My Name forever, and this is My remembrance from generation to generation.'
My bout with faith and trust has taken me full circle, however, the mind because of its old nature wedges itself between. Let me explain. Death would over take us if we were unable to move forward. Take the earth for example. The earth rotates, we have evening and there's morning, if there earth was to stop spinning rather it be during the winter or summer seasons we would either freeze over or die due to heat. So goes the same for our spiritual and physical growth. Now back to my point. During the beginning years of my walk when the store house was stocked and there was water in the well, I seemed to have had faith. To have faith is easy when there's no lack, when you're employed and you're not avoiding incoming calls. Please don't misunderstand me, I'm not saying we can't have faith when in lack but it takes a trial or two before we're able to balance our realm. My personal faith came into question when the shelves became empty and my phone lost it's ability to ring.
We have to be careful not to label everything a divine test, because they aren't always from above. The mirror is a reflection of our outward appearance, how we dress, our smile or frown and our soul and spirit reflect our character. Yes we are responsible just as much as God (Creator of heaven and earth) and HaSatan (The Tempter). I have made decisions that went poorly because I was wanting things as I saw them, after my own desires. If I were to live to 120, I would still be only beginning. Psalm 30: 4 - HASHEM, You have raised up my soul from the lower world; You have preserved me from my descent to the pit. Sing to HASHEM, His devout ones, and give thanks to His Holy Name. For His anger endures but a moment; life results from His favor. In the evening one lies down weeping, but with dawn - a cry of joy! I had said in my serenity, "I would never falter." But, HASHEM, all is through Your favor - You supported my greatness with might; should You but conceal Your face, I would be confounded.
King David acknowledges that his life will always be in the hands of God. We read in Daniel, Isaiah 14 and Ezekiel 28 the downfall of Kings, princes and nations because of arrogance, pride and greed. We must never forget where we come from nor by who's arm we are delivered.
The in-between places go beyond our spiritual/physical minds, they are physical places as well. Genesis chapter 6 (Noah), chapter 12 (Abraham) and Exodus chapter 3 are three places in which we see HASHEM forming covenants. Noah with the ark, Abraham leaving his home land, and of course Moses leading the Children out of Egypt into the promise land. All three are important events but lets focus on Moses, Israel and the wilderness. Unable to stand up and fight the Egyptians the Children of Israel were bound to forced labor building Pharaohs kingdom. Little did they know their prayers would soon be answered, but not before further oppression. As always there is the along with the good and this historical event was no exception. Exodus 5:1 - Afterwards Moses and Aaron came and said to Pharaoh, "So said HASHEM, the God of Israel, 'Send out My people that they may celebrate for Me in the wilderness.' " Pharaoh replied, " Who is HASHEM that I should heed His voice to send out Israel? I do not know HASHEM, nor will I send out Israel. So they said, "The God of the Hebrews happened upon us. Let us now go for a three-day journey in the Wilderness and we shall bring offerings to HASHEM, our God, lest He strike us dead with the plaque or the sword." The king of Egypt said to them, "Moses and Aaron why do you disturb the people from its work? Go to your burdens." And Pharaoh ordered the taskmasters over the people and its foreman, saying, "You shall no longer give straw to the people to manufacture the bricks as yesterday and before yesterday; let them go gather straw for themselves. But the quota of bricks that they were making yesterday and before yesterday you shall impose upon them - do not reduce it - for they are lazy; therefor they cry out saying, Let us go and bring offerings to our God. Obviously Pharaoh is not a man with morals, at least not towards the our Jewish people. We must remember that God knew how this would all play out. Throughout the following six chapters HASHEM brings His wrath upon Pharaoh and all of Egypt. His redemption was now at hand.
Exodus 14: 5 - It was told to the king of Egypt that the people had fled; and the heart of Pharaoh and his servants became transformed regarding the people, and they said, "What is this that we have done that we have sent away Israel from serving us?" Although we were out we were chained, prisoners to our past, thirsting for what words can't describe. For two hundred plus years the crack of the whip was as familiar to ones back then the heat of the sun. Argue with me if you can; and tell me, this experience can it escape one's mind? The weekly Sabbath for me is a foreshadow of the day we enter into HASHEM'S resting place, I like to call that day the eight day. Not until Messiah's return will we have rest from persecution, hunger, heartache or our many enemies.
At this point in the story we're heading for the sea of Reeds, the enemy is in hot pursuit with death in their eyes as well as their hearts. Their horses are running at full steam, spears are in locked position, soldiers looking to kill, steal and destroy. And our Hebrew ancestors; what did they do to deserve such treatment, after all wasn't Joseph at one time second in command. A viceroy put in charge of all Egypt, after he too was sold into slavery. Yeshua tells the Temple crowd and His disciples that what comes out of a mans heart is what makes him unclean. (Mark 6) Exodus 14: 9 - Egypt pursued them and overtook them, encamped by the sea - all the horses and chariots of Pharaoh, and his horseman and army - by Pi-hahiroth before Baal-zephon. Pharaoh approached; the Children of Israel their eyes and behold! - Egypt was journeying after them, and they were very frightened; the Children of Israel cried out to HASHEM. They said to Moses, "Were there no graves in Egypt that you took us to die in the wilderness? What is this that you have done to us to take us out of Egypt? Is this not the statement that we made to you in Egypt, saying, 'Let us be and we will serve Egypt? - for it is better that we should serve Egypt than that we should die in the Wilderness!
Moses said to the people, "Do not Fear! Stand fast and see the salvation of HASHEM that He will perform for you today; for as you have seen Egypt today, you shall not see them ever again! HASHEM shall make war for you, and you shall remain silent."
HASHEM said to Moses, "Why do you cry out to Me? Speak to the Children of Israel and let them journey forth! And you - lift up your staff and stretch out your arm over the sea and split it; and the Children of Israel shall come into the midst of the sea on dry land. And I - behold! I shall strengthen the heart of Egypt and they will come after them; and I will be glorified through Pharaoh and through his entire army, through his chariots and through his horseman. Egypt will know that I am HASHEM, when I am glorified through Pharaoh, his chariots, and his horseman."
Baruch HASHEM! Blessed be the Name of the Lord!
As I was reading and typing the last chapter in my mind I can see just how small Pharaoh and his men really were. Almost like a child playing with toy soldiers, he sets them up and takes them out. HASHEM does tell us that if we would heed His voice and walk His ways perfectly before Him, He would be the enemy of our enemies and persecute those who persecute us.
See you soon.
Rabbi Lawrence.